Vol. 1, Message 36
Doing “what’s right” is not blaming others. It is taking responsibility for how you live. It is knowing that relationships are mirrors that show you what you must work on to live fully. It is working on these aspects of yourself and growing thanks to the relationships that reveal them to you. It is being grateful for Life, the Universe, and for the people are by your side, even if it doesn't seem like they are. Be smart, diligent, and wise. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 32
You must do what is right rather than what is comfortable - for your own growth, and for the sake of others and the planet. We are all interconnected. What is right for me does not harm other. It does not harm the planet either, rather it is beneficial for everyone.
Vol 2, Message 11
To change the world, we must do everything with love. Love is an invisible, but very impressive ingredient. For all of us, it is healthier to not do something than to do it without love.
Vol. 1, Message 31
If you don't like something or are not comfortable with something, you have to speak up. Don't let a snowflake become an avalanche. You will be responsible for the consequences. Do what’s right. Express yourself. Be authentic. Take risks. Reveal yourself. Fight for what you feel. Don't settle. Everything is possible if your attitude is appropriate. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 12
In order to express our unique gifts and put them to use in the world, we must be authentic. Authenticity holds the key for each of us to fulfill our purpose and contribute to humanity.
Vol 2, Message 15
External peace is the result of the lack of internal conflicts. This applies to both the individual and the collective. The wars in the world are only the manifestation of the magnitude of the internal conflicts of human beings.
Vol 2, Message 20
Generosity is a noble virtue that makes us more human. The more we give unconditionally, the more we will receive. Generosity not only covers needs, but also generates hope and drives away loneliness, making us feel supported when we are in need. Its effect is powerful.
Vol 2, Message 5
We are all one. Our destinies are intertwined. Everything is interconnected. We are powerful beings, and we can achieve what we set out to do. It is necessary to be aware of this.
Vol. 1, Message 30
Taking responsibility for your own life is doing the right thing. It is not complaining; it is not blaming others. It is not being a victim. If you do take responsibility, everything becomes possible and fixable because, in the same way that you can create negativity, you can change it with this attitude. Remember, the Higher Power, whichever you believe in, is your ally. This power is in you: never forget that. Do what’s right. Rescue your power and use it to be happy. It's time.
Vol 2, Message 21
It's time to be more human, to support each other and not hurt each other. Let's remind ourselves that we are all in the same boat and that we share a common goal: our individual and collective wellbeing. We will only achieve it with teamwork.
Vol 2, Message 29
Abuse is due to a lack of knowledge of who we are and why we are here. Abusing others and abusing the planet are both self-abuse. Where there is awareness there is no abuse.
Vol. 1, Message 17
You can fool others, but you can never escape yourself. Be honest. Be authentic. Respect who you are. If you don't, who will to it for you? Don't live a lie. Do not repress yourself. Reveal yourself; show who you are; take that risk so you can live fully and find what you are looking for. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 18
Doing the comfortable thing is going to keep you in your comfort zone, where stagnation occurs. For growth, you have to do the correct thing. Don't be afraid, challenge yourself, overcome “yourself;” this is the way. If you don't do it today, when will you do it? Today is the day or it will never be. What could you do today to realize your dreams? Identify that and do it at once. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 26
For the world to be in balance and harmony, each of us must first find these things inside of ourselves and then transmit them, experience them, manifest them in our lives, in our relationships and creations. This is how we will bring them to the world.
Vol. 1, Message 32
If you like or admire something, if it generates pleasure, then express that, share it, or congratulate the person. Express your preferences, love, and affection through words of affirmation. Be authentic, reveal yourself, and let people get to know you. Challenge yourself to do this or you will never truly live. Don't hold back anymore. Doing what is right is necessary now. Trust yourself. Let your light shine bright.
Vol. 1, Message 22
To achieve plenitude, you must face and solve all the situations that generate stress in your life. These prevent you from expressing your full potential. Running away and procrastinating is doing "what is comfortable." Instead, do what’s right. Do not be afraid. Confront and overcome your obstacles. You can only achieve your potential if you face your obstacles head-on and allow yourself to be vulnerable. You were never given a greater challenge than your ability to overcome it. You have a lot of strength and power inside. Use it now.
Vol. 1, Message 33
Stop for a moment. Observe, breathe, smell, touch, taste. Don't live only in your mind. Connect to the present moment through your senses. Feel alive. Don't let life pass you by without savoring it. Don't let the routine and its inertia disengage you or drain you. Be aware, active, and creative. Live. Don't settle. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 4
Reflect: Are you complaining about something that you also do? It's not right to complain about something or someone and then do the same in your own life. Every time you complain, judge, or blame someone, stop, and do some introspection to find out if you are also guilty of the same type of behavior? Become aware!
Vol 2, Message 27
Manipulation is black magic. It is a mixture of cowardice, a lack of confidence, and bad intentions. The world needs transparency, honesty, and good intentions. This is essential to achieve our goal of collective wellbeing.
Vol 2, Message 22
We are a set of interconnected communities that coexist, interact, and influence each other. For positive success it is imperative that we support and collaborate.
Vol. 1, Message 1
Living fully is a risk worth taking. Don’t be scared; be brave! Living fully depends on you and your attitude. Do what’s right and chase your dreams. Falling and failing are part of the journey, but not trying is giving up before you start. Wake up; it's time. Reflect. Take action. Put yourself at your service.
Vol 2, Message 17
Without putting ourselves in other people’s shoes, we will not be able to understand them. If we don't understand each other, there is no connection. Without connection there is no unity, and the outcome will not be different from what we currently have. If we don't change, nothing changes.
Vol. 1, Message 37
Doing "what’s right" is investing in yourself. It is taking care of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It is reading a book or watching a video that makes you grow. It is not zoning out but instead using your remote control in line with your purpose. It is nurturing your relationships without depending on them. Do something in line with your purpose today. Make it a habit. Clarify your goals. Keep them always present. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 7
You become powerful when you take responsibility. Then, everything is possible. Do not play small because you are not. Dare to be who you are today. Be authentic and you will find a great treasure. Your uniqueness is worth being expressed. Do not repress yourself. Challenge yourself! Do something. Don't just sit there. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 3
You can't demand that the world be a certain way if you don't act that way yourself.
Vol. 1, Message 10
Every change of plan is a divine intervention that refines your aim so that you can focus on the true target. The waves of life do not come to make you suffer, but to make you grow. Be humble, accept the challenges, and see the opportunity through the apparent opposition. That’s the correct attitude. You will see! Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 15
Doing the right thing is acting with ethics, respect, honesty, responsibility, and wisdom. Are you ethical? Do you respect others? Are you authentic? Do you take responsibility for your actions and thoughts? Do you learn from life's lessons? Reflect. Question yourself. Invest in yourself now. Don't waste time! Do what’s right and incorporate these virtues to be a better human being and a better example for those around you.
Vol. 1, Message 20
To “do what’s right” is to challenge yourself, to take risks, and fight for the realization of your dreams. Don't give up; don't get depressed; don't surrender; never abandon your dreams. Your attitude matters and has the power to create, at some point, what you long for. Be persistent. Be optimistic. Believe, and the rest will follow.
Vol. 1, Message 38
Doing "what’s right" is knowing yourself deeply. It is healing the wounds that limit you and prevent you from expressing your full potential. It is facing and overcoming your fears. Invest in your health! Invest in yourself! Help yourself. You need yourself. Put yourself at your service. What is the fear that limits you the most and that you want to overcome? Reflect on it. Take action today. Do something now. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 8
What I do to others or to the planet I am doing to myself. In every moment and situation, I can add or subtract from the world. What do you choose?
Vol 2, Message 37
The Four Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Repurpose. This is doing the right thing for the planet, for everyone, including you. Add your grain of sand.
Vol. 1, Message 28
We are unique beings. To live fully you must dare to be who you are: unveiling yourself, taking risks, and showing your uniqueness and authenticity in every situation. This is what it means to do the right thing. This is positioning yourself on the right side. This will lead you to your destination in such a way that you enjoy the journey. It is the maximum form of existence. Challenge yourself! Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 34
Conscious consumption helps to pollute less; choose companies that are environmentally friendly and have social values. By rewarding those who do not pollute and have values, we are establishing new requirements for sales that will be considered by large companies so that they too can continue to sell.
Vol 2, Message 25
For the world to be in balance and harmony, you must know how to give and how to receive. The middle path is the correct one: the path of balance.
Vol. 1, Message 19
To repress yourself is to renounce your dreams, and to actively participate in their non-realization. It is doing what is comfortable; it is living passively; it is limiting yourself; it is being caged. Hear yourself, express yourself, love yourself, and respect yourself. If you don't, how can you achieve your goals and enjoy the journey to achieving them? Reflect. You deserve to be free, why not be free now? Get active, do something, do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 39
Doing "what’s right" is spending time nurturing your soul. It is taking a step every day. The right kind, and in the right place. It is actively contributing to your own wellbeing and the realization of your dreams. Invest in yourself! Do what’s right! Put yourself at your service. You are your greatest resource. Never forget that. Challenge yourself. Answer your questions. Trust.
Vol 2, Message 10
To change the world, you must follow your heart. No one can hit the target more accurately than our heart. It is our guide and it’s essential that we establish and cultivate that connection.
Vol 2, Message 35
Find out, investigate. This is how to know who you are rewarding with your purchase decisions. Invest a little of your time for the collective wellbeing. Take a stance, expose yourself, enter the court, and make a difference. Do not wait any longer.
Vol. 1, Message 24
A brave person is someone who pushes past their limits. Heaven and hell potentially exist within the same space. Your attitude in life determines which of them you experience. Trust, know, invest, and heal yourself. Put yourself at your service. Do the right thing now. If you do not work on yourself, you will remain a diamond in the rough and the jewel you carry inside will never be able to shine. It is necessary to act. Do something now.
Vol. 1, Message 23
A brave person dares to be who they are, takes risks, is vulnerable, does not run away, says what they think, and faces situations head-on. This is doing "the right thing." It is moving forward in life. It is feeling good. It is getting closer to your own goals. It is being free. Do something in this direction today. Be brave; challenge yourself. It's worth it. You will see.
Vol. 1, Message 5
Destiny only indicates where you are going. The road is what matters. Don't confuse priorities. The experience as you walk is the real thing, the true thing. It’s what matters, and what’s essential. Enjoy the road as you head towards your destination. If you do, you will achieve that destination before reaching it. Joy is in the journey. Enjoy what you do in every moment. It is the most impactful attitude in terms of wellbeing. Never forget it. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 24
At every moment we are the protagonists on the stage, there is always someone looking at us and we must be aware of, and responsible for, what we are presenting because this may have a positive or negative impact on other lives. We are responsible for this.
Vol 2, Message 19
The first thing to do every day is to feel grateful for one more day to be able to explore, experience, enjoy and learn. Surrounding ourselves with the energy of gratitude transforms our energy and improves our health and our perception of life.
Vol 2, Message 13
In order to express our unique gifts and put them to use in the world, we must be authentic. Authenticity holds the key for each of us to fulfill our purpose and contribute to humanity.
Vol 2, Message 2
Changing the world is a collective task. Everyone must change what they don't like about themselves. Change begins there. Do you really want to change the world? Start with yourself now.
Vol 2, Message 9
Selfishness is the most dangerous plague for the world. Transcending selfishness is the key to turning this world into a better version of itself.
Vol 2, Message 7
If you don't shine, neither can the world. We are the World. Together we form a more complex being of which we are a part.
Vol. 1, Message 6
To express your full potential, your body must be healthy and your soul happy. Both achievements are in your hands. You are responsible for both your health and your moods. Take care of your food and nourish your soul with what gives you joy, satisfaction, and makes you dream. Invest in your health! Invest in yourself! Start today; it is the perfect day to start. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 16
Tolerance makes us more human. We are all different, but equally indispensable. No one is more or better than another. Life is enriched by our differences. Together we can do more.
Vol 2, Message 1
The individual and the collective go hand in hand. Collective change is achieved through individual change. We must know who we are and why we are here, then we will make the right changes.
Vol. 1, Message 25
Doing the right thing, even when it requires more effort, leads you where you need to go. Doing what is comfortable is a deceptive shortcut that only moves you further away from your goals. Reflect! Ask yourself when you are in an unclear situation or feeling internal conflict, what is the right thing to do? Trust. Do it. Experiment. Learn. Place yourself, through your attitude, in this growth cycle. Be of service to yourself now.
Vol. 1, Message 9
The Universe is your best ally. If you spread your wings and free yourself, its current will take you where you need to go. Even if initially you do not know the destination. Call it Universe, God, Great Spirit, Energy, Consciousness, or whatever you prefer. The name will not change the results. Trust, surrender, and align with It, and you won’t have to achieve it alone. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 40
Despite consuming consciously, reducing, reusing, recycling, and repurposing, we continue to pollute; it is almost inevitable. The solution is to calculate your carbon footprint and offset it by buying equivalent carbon credits or planting trees.
Vol 2, Message 30
In order not to be abused, you must learn to set limits. Setting boundaries is healthy. To do so is to have self-respect and self-knowledge and to act consciously. It reduces the probability of being abused.
Vol 2, Message 18
If we want to be respected, we must show respect. If we do not show respect to others, we will not be respected either. We are all connected. Our own attitude affects the end result, just like the observer in quantum physics.
Vol. 1, Message 34
When we are motivated, we are capable of doing anything. Find your purpose. Align your actions with the intimate content of your heart. Do what’s right. Put yourself at your service. Start prioritizing what is fundamental and essential or you will never find peace or be happy. Today is the day or it never will be. Find a way to awaken this motivation.
Vol 2, Message 36
Take care of yourself. We are in the same boat. We are all responsible both for our own lives and for the health of the planet and the collective situation of humanity. Healthy habits are those that at the same time take care of you, the planet, and others. Again, it's teamwork.
Vol. 1, Message 16
Life is magical. If you open yourself up to it, you will experience its magic. Trust, connect, believe, and it will be! Be amazed and think outside the box. Follow your instinct. Be original and authentic. Do not live the life of another. Dare to live your unique life so you can be happy. Consciously create your reality. Listen to yourself; take risks; respect yourself. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 11
The purpose of life is to grow, to develop. Change is the only constant in life. Never fear it. Instead, take advantage of the wisdom that change manifests in you. Resisting change goes against the current and wastes time and energy. Flowing with change is the wisest choice. Do not forget that the Universe is your best ally and that sometimes the biggest obstacle is you. Reflect! Be of service to yourself now, you need to do this for yourself. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 14
You will achieve peace, serenity, and tranquility through your inner work. These states are not innate. They are the fruit of self-observation and questioning. Always seek self-knowledge and understanding of life. Try to generate a better version of yourself every day. Invest in yourself! Do what’s right. Don’t settle. Fight for your dreams because this is how you will achieve them.
Vol 2, Message 14
To feel and live well we must have coherence between what we think, feel, say, and do. Coherence is the basis of inner peace. When one is at peace, one is also more empowered.
Vol 2, Message 28
Hypocrisy is another plague that prevents us from trusting each other. It separates us instead of uniting us and reduces our power and strength, which are at a maximum when we collaborate and unite. Hypocrisy is sheer, disempowering pettiness.
Vol 2, Message 23
In order to change the world, it is necessary that we commit ourselves - you, me, all of us - to doing the right thing; to putting ourselves in service, thus contributing to the collective wellbeing.
Vol. 1, Message 29
When you do not take responsibility for your own life, when you always blame others, you are doing what is comfortable. You are being the victim and condemning yourself to a life sentence of suffering. In this way, you become powerless without control over anything. If you take responsibility for your life, you will regain power. Do it now. Do not wait any longer. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 21
Walk the talk. Be consistent with what you say and what you do. Action is more impactful than words. Do what’s right. Be an example and the embodiment of what you long to be and how you want to live. Be authentic. Be whole. Resist temptations. Stand firm and you will be the one who will benefit the most.
Vol. 1, Message 35
Don't be one of many. Express your uniqueness. Don't replicate models. Do not copy others, or you will always come later. Dare to be who you are. Take risks. Reveal yourself. Stay strong. Fall and get up. Be active now. Feel ready or you never will be. The path to fulfillment is here. Your attitude is essential. You need yourself. Put yourself at your service. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 40
Cause and effect. Try to be the cause to manifest and experience the desired effects. This is doing “what’s right.” It is assuming your own responsibility and power to create the reality so longed for. We always cause an effect, consciously or unconsciously. To do so consciously is to fight for one's dreams and approach their realization. It is taking risks, being a protagonist, architect, artist, and magician. Create your reality. Don't settle. Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 38
Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down. It is highly polluting, in addition to producing many victims among animals. Say no to plastic and when you can’t do that, use your plastic waste to make eco-bricks.
Vol. 1, Message 13
Doing the right thing instead of the comfortable or easy thing will make you feel better: calmer, more peaceful, more serene. At the depths of your being, deep within you, you have the answers to all the questions you’ve pondered, as well as the questions that you have yet to ask yourself. Trust and challenge yourself. Don’t waver! Explore and experiment. Give this to yourself; you deserve it! It's time! Use your power to create the reality you long to live. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 12
Doing the right thing instead of the comfortable or easy thing will lead you to your goals. This is the correct attitude that will align you with what you have come to earth to do, even if you do not know what that is yet. Have you ever wondered what are you doing here or what it means to do what’s right? Reflect on this, know yourself, live, express yourself, and don't waste this opportunity. Your attitude is essential. The more you sow, the more you will harvest.
Vol. 1, Message 3
Have you ever heard the voice of your consciousness? Did you know that it will become quiet if you don't listen to it? However, if you follow its guidance, it will become easier to hear. What are the characteristics of this voice? How and when does it manifest? Reflect. It is worth paying attention to and liberating. It has a lot to offer you, and we are all imbued with the gift of being able to listen to this inner guide. Don't hesitate; the sooner you pay attention to it, the sooner you will benefit from it. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 4
The guidance of the voice of your consciousness leads you to your destination. A destination that is not written. Every day your decisions, actions, emotions, thoughts, and visions forge it. Its limits are as expansive or restricted as your beliefs. What do you think? Do you dare to consciously write your destiny from today forward, to be who you are without fear or shame? It's time, you deserve it! Do what’s right.
Vol 2, Message 39
Use your power of influence to change the world and say no to those who offer polluting products, who do not have environmental policies, who do not have values similar to yours. Together we will change the world. This is teamwork.
Vol 2, Message 6
If you really want to contribute to the world, to help make it a better place to live, you must strive to be the best version of yourself every day. We all influence the final result.
Vol. 1, Message 2
Plenitude is achieved by following your inner guide: by listening to the voice of your consciousness. Plenitude is a state of being, an internal condition that is reflected in the perception of the outside world. Get to know yourself, cultivate yourself, take care of yourself, love yourself, excel and everything will magically transform. Align yourself with plenitude. Be creative. Spend time on it and you will succeed. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 27
Use your time to grow as a person. Reallocate time spent watching television, to instead watch informative, motivational, and inspiring videos. Read books. Participate in courses, workshops, trips, and experiences. Don’t be stagnant. Don't waste your time; use it wisely. You will be the first to benefit from that. Do what’s right and put yourself at your service.
Vol 2, Message 31
Role reversal. Sometimes we are the abused, other times the abuser. Not only do you have to know how to set limits on others, but also to apply them to yourself. We all can, and should, contribute.
Vol 2, Message 33
Polluting the planet is polluting oneself. Being abusive, manipulative, and hypocritical is contaminating the energy level that interconnects us all. Being more aware and putting yourself at your own service is beneficial to everyone and harmful to no one.
Vol. 1, Message 8
Your beliefs define your life experience. Become aware of them. Check if they are aligned with your purpose. Beliefs are powerful, but not always beneficial. Watch them because if you don't like your reality, it is your responsibility to change it. Ask yourself, if I don't do it, who is going to do it for me? Everything is possible when you think it is! Be of service to yourself now. Do what’s right.
Vol. 1, Message 26
It is a lifelong job to know yourself. The more you know yourself, the more you respect who you are. By knowing yourself, you will make better decisions and aligned with your purpose. Spend a little time getting to know yourself, taking care of yourself, accepting yourself, and loving yourself. If you don't do, who will? Invest in your health! Invest in yourself! It's time! Manifest your dreams. Fight for what you believe in. Take your place. Do what’s right.